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Edlen's exhibitor resources will assist you in the ordering process, making reserving temporary utility services efficient and straightforward. Below you will find floor plan layouts, cost-saving tips, a power usage guide, as well as answers to frequently asked questions regarding ordering power, lighting, air, water and drain services, payment, and labor.

Please contact us with any questions.

Floor Plans

Cost Saving Tips

Power Usage Guide

FAQ: Power

FAQ: Lighting

FAQ: Air, Water & Drain

FAQ: Air, Water & Drain

  1. How many machines can I hook up to one compressed air line?
    You may only have one machine per connection. Additional machines within 20 feet of the main connection must order additional connections.
  2. How many hookups do I get with one water line/drain line?
    You may only have one hookup for each water/drain line. Additional connections within 20 feet of the main water/drain line must order additional lines.
  3. Can I have my water filled daily?
    Yes, for an additional labor charge.
  4. What does CFM mean?
    CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute, a measurement of air volume required to operate a machine.
  5. How are compressed air or water lines delivered to my booth?
    Either line may come from the floor, ceiling or perimeter wall. Contact your local Edlen office for more information.
  6. How do you drain water out of a booth?
    If drains are not immediately available in the floor, pumps may be required to run drain lines from the ceiling. Additional charges may apply.

Most importantly, when in doubt, call Edlen at (800) 553-3536

FAQ: Ordering and Payment

FAQ: Labor